Monday, March 30, 2009

Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It

I recently read another blog that brought up the importance of keeping a schedule as a freelance writer. This is something I've been struggling with since beginning my journey so I felt it was important to touch on this.

As freelancers we are fortunate enough to make our own schedules. This is especially great for those of us with children and other responsibilities. We can rearrange our schedules to meet our other obligations. The problem with this is getting into a habit of constantly rearranging the schedule to fit in activities we really can do later. Examples are watching the latest House episode on the DVR or lunch out with the girls. While doing this occasionally can be good and even necessary for sanity's sake, it really should be limited.

Yes, there's no clock to punch or boss to face, but if you are like most freelancers, you aren't getting paid if you're not working. Time is money. Set a schedule for the week and stick to it. Yes, emergencies arise and we have the flexibility of dealing with them and getting back to work later,but this should be the exception and not the rule.

Treat freelancing like a traditional job. Respect yourself like you would a traditional boss and show up for work on time. Schedule breaks and a lunch hour, but go back at your scheduled time. It won't be long before you fall into a routine and then sticking to it will be easier. This is definitely something you will thank yourself for later.


  1. This is something I really need to work on. Right now, I am in college, so I tend to write around my schedule...and homework and everything else. Then at the end of the week, I wonder why I haven't met my income goal! I really have to start putting my writing before other activities that can wait until later.

  2. Kecia,
    I can definitely relate. I am also in school full time, so fitting it all in can be a major challenge! :)

    Thanks for stopping by!
