Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Setting Freelancing Rates
Boy, it sure was hard though! It's difficult to know how to judge the value of my work. I surfed the Internet and looked at the rates of other writers, both new writers and more experienced writers. Then I thought about what I earn now. Too many times I find myself writing something and thinking, "If I just got paid an extra $5 I wouldn't complain as much."
All this resulted in me setting some rates I feel are reasonable. These rates are much lower than what seasoned writers charge, but they are also a little higher than what some new writers are willing to work for. Granted I am writing for content sites that pay less, but I don't want to do that forever.
These are my rates:
Original Articles
250-400 words $15
401-600 words $20
601-750 words $25
751-1000 words $30
Article Rewrites
250-400 words $6
401-600 words $10
601-750 words $15
751-1000 words $20
Editing Services
Up to 500 words $4
501-750 words $6
751-1000 words $8
I hope this post will inspire you to think about your own rates. Those of you who have set your rates, how did you decide?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Residual Income, A Wonderful Thing
Residual income is income you continue to earn long after the work is complete. You can earn for years off that one article. There are several websites that offer residual income. Bright Hub offers a flat fee per article and pays revenue sharing every two months. eHow and Suite 101 both offer revenue sharing as well. I have no experience with eHow or Suite 101 personally, but I have come across several writers who make a lot from these sites.
If you look on the right side of this blog you will see information on an e-book written by WriterGig. WriterGig has earned over $1,000 a month on her eHow earnings and was generous enough to compile her technique into this wonderful resource. I have purchased the e-book myself and was impressed with the simplicity of it all. Unfortunaely I have yet to put it to work due to lack of time, which is really sad for me. If I simply took a few days a week and submitted a few articles I could reach that same goal. What's great for WriterGig is that now when she takes a day off she can actually relax because she knows she is still earning money. What a great thing! Please consider purchasing her e-book. You won't regret it!
Suite 101 seems to really be a great place for residual income. I have met some freelancers online who have brought in over $500 a month. That amount goes up each month too. Suite 101 does require sample articles and an approval process before you can write. You then must contribute at least 10 articles every 3 months. That shouldn't be a problem though because that's what freelance writers do, they write!
Associated Content also offers revenue sharing. In addition to that they also offer upfront payment for articles too.
Look on the right side of the blog to find links to these sites.
So, my plan is to apply to Suite 101 sometime this month and start submitting. I also want to start submitting to eHow. In a year's time I could be earning $1,000 a month in residual income. Then I can truly write for myself. Now that's something to be excited about.
If you are submitting to these sites, leave me a comment and let me and our readers know how you are doing with it. It will be great inspiration for us all. Happy Writing!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ready to Try Your Hand at Freelancing?
Most freelance writing newbies aren't sure where to start though. They know about the higher paying content sites like Demand Studios, but usually aren't being accepted due to lack of experience and good samples. When I first applied at DS I was turned down, but I know it was because I had not written long enough to have some solid samples. A few months into writing I re-applied and was accepted. The trick is to start at some lower paying sites and start composing some great samples that you can use to get higher paying work.
For new writers I generally suggest two websites for them to start out with. Textbroker and Associated Content are great places to get exposure. If you would like some more options and information, please check the right hand side of this blog for some other great writing sites and resources.
For you seasoned freelance writers, how and where did you get your start?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Here I Am!
I have been AWOL for the last few weeks and I apologize. It's been hectic lately, but its still no excuse.
As for the goals from last time. I still have not made my $250 a week goal. However, I did almost make it to $200. I am getting there, but I need to stick to my set schedules better so I can meet these goals.
There are a lot of life changes I am looking to make soon. Right now I live in Orlando, FL with my 2 boys and a houseful of roommates. We all get along well and it seems to work for us, but lately I have really been yearning for a place for just me and my boys. Orlando is super expensive and I just can't afford my own place here. Plus I have no family here to help.
My mom is in Ohio and her fiance has offered me the use of one of his houses, rent free. It's a small 2 story house and I would just have to pay utilites. Basically the same I pay now. But, I would have more privacy and a better environment for my kids. It's in the country hills of Ohio, so it would require a big move and a major adjustment to country life.
I have been thinking about it for about 4 months and I think that it is the best option. My mom and other family members will be there to help with the kids. We will have our own space and the kids will have a huge yard to play in. And with my mom helping me with the kids, I just might reach more financial goals than I do now. School is out in a month and I am looking at moving this summer.
So, it's a new month and I want to list my monthly goals here....
- Make at least $250 a week in writing and editing
- Stick to my work schedule; M-F 9:30 am -12:30 pm and 8 pm - 12 am
- Update this blog with more useful information on a weekly basis
- Start walking everyday
- Use the 10 minute trainer I bought at least once a day
That's about it. I spent all last week car shopping and I finally bought one at the end of the week, so there is nothing holding me back.
What are your new goals and how are you doing so far?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday Update
- Monday - $40
- Tuesday - $25
- Wednesday, as of 12 pm - $15
Still not quite where I need to be. Tuesday I had a parent teacher conference that took a lot of time, so I didn't get started until late. Today I have an online chat with my online geology class to discuss a group project, so I will be spending a lot of time on homework today. After the chat I plan to work some more. I need to make $62 today, Thursday and Friday to make my weekly goal. I know I can do it, so here I go again!
How is everyone else doing with their goals?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday Night Goal Update
I did not meet my weekly goal of $250 this week. I am a little bummed about that, but I did make $136. I know its still not where I need to be, but it is by far the most I have made in a week as a freelance writer. And I am only $114 short. So I am still showing progress.
A few things slowed me down this week. First, my brother-in-law is in the hospital with a severely infected foot. It looked like he was going to lose the foot, but he is finally stable. Thank God. He is in construction and stepped on a nail on Sunday. He didn't go to the doctor until 2 days later and by then the bone was infected. He has been in bad shape and my sister has been under a lot of stress. So I have been trying to help by making the needed update phone calls to other family members and such. (The lesson here is to always get checked out by a doctor. This could have been avoided.)
Another thing that has slowed me down is the fact that I have been writig for a site that pays pretty low. I enjoyed working for the site, so I kept doing it. But the articles take way too long for the pay. So I resigned from that site this week. Starting next week I won't be writing articles unless the pay is at least $.02 per word. Still very low, I know, but goals have to start some where.
This last week was my first week writing for Demand Studios. If you haven't checked them out yet, please do. They pay $15 per article. I wrote 7 articles so far and so far 4 have been accepted. I had to do a few rewrites and this took some time. The rewrites actually are helping me understand more about what DS wants from its writers and are helping me become a better writer.
So, this week....I am setting the same goal monetarily. I am focusing on the higher paying sites so this should be better. My goals are:
- Make $250 this week
- Take Saturday and Sunday off
I have been working 2 weeks straight without a day off. I know, it's sad especially since I have not been able to make more than $100 a week. This was before I started writing for DS and when I focused entirely on the low pay site.
I enjoy the fact that I can set my own schedule as a freelance writer, but I am used to having weekends off so taking the weekend off will be great. Usually my kids are with their dad on weekends so I am able to get things done then, but they will be home next weekend and I would like not to be working.
Alright, that's it. I'll post more in a few days. Wish me luck!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thursday Goal Update
Monday some things came up and I ended up not writing at all that day, so I made $0. Tuesday I made $40. Yesterday, Wednesday, I made $60.
Today I have $65 worth of articles I plan to write. As of now I have made $100, which is awesome to me considering I've been making that each week. Since I didn't work Monday I plan on working Saturday to make up for it.
So far I am pleased with my earnings. I will post another update in a few days.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Goals for This Week.....
My goals are small compared to others I have seen. I want to make $50 a day 5 days a week. This is only $250, but would be a great achievement for me.
So there it is. Hold me to it to. I will post my progress in a few days and then at the end of the week will let you know that I MADE IT! Or that I didn't....
I encourage anyone that has a blog to post their goals as well. It may give you the motivation and push that you need.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Yesterday morning I got up early and had tons to do. At the end of the day I was kicking myself because I hardly tackled my goals at all. I sat at the computer most of the day, but the words just didn't want to come. I knew how I wanted to write the article, I had the research completed, it was just a matter of putting down on paper. I just couldn't find my motivation. Maybe some would also call it "writer's block."
I made myself call it an early night, but wasn't ready for sleep. Instead I put on on of my favorite shows, NCIS, and worked on a blanket I have been crocheting for nearly a year. It helped me clear my mind a bit and then I went to sleep.
I woke up this morning refreshed and ready to start the day. I just needed to reset myself.
I'm sure others out there feel this way? What do you do to reset yourself?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It
As freelancers we are fortunate enough to make our own schedules. This is especially great for those of us with children and other responsibilities. We can rearrange our schedules to meet our other obligations. The problem with this is getting into a habit of constantly rearranging the schedule to fit in activities we really can do later. Examples are watching the latest House episode on the DVR or lunch out with the girls. While doing this occasionally can be good and even necessary for sanity's sake, it really should be limited.
Yes, there's no clock to punch or boss to face, but if you are like most freelancers, you aren't getting paid if you're not working. Time is money. Set a schedule for the week and stick to it. Yes, emergencies arise and we have the flexibility of dealing with them and getting back to work later,but this should be the exception and not the rule.
Treat freelancing like a traditional job. Respect yourself like you would a traditional boss and show up for work on time. Schedule breaks and a lunch hour, but go back at your scheduled time. It won't be long before you fall into a routine and then sticking to it will be easier. This is definitely something you will thank yourself for later.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Becoming a Super Mom Whether You Work from Home or Not
Older t.v. shows and movies show the stay at home mom as someone who sends her children to school and husband to work and then spends the morning cleaning. Then we see her attend tea or lunch with the "girls." She gets home just in time to prepare a perfect meal and everyone is happy.
Those days are gone. Many women today must work to make ends meet. Some work outside the home, some work from home and some may not "work" but they still work hard in the home making life comfortable for their families. It's all tough. It's all rewarding. It's all enough to make us all become Super Moms.
Some moms today work a full time job outside the home. They must get their children up at the crack of dawn, get them to daycare pronto and battle morning traffic to get to work. After a grueling 8 hour day (and sometimes a 9, 10, or even 12 hour day), battle rush hour traffic to pick up the kids and hurry home. Then it's dinner, bath, homework and then time for bed. Or if the kids are in extra-curricular activities, it's time to shuttle them from place to place before heading home. These moms are exhausted every night and have little time for themselves. Many of these moms are single moms and don't have any help. Yet they still do it all.
I used to work outside the home and I was responsible for carting the children from place to place, preparing dinner and doing the housework. Even though I was married and had help, it was still tough. I thought of myself as a Super Mom then.
Fast forward a year and I am a single mom. Fortunate enough to have found a way to stay home with my kids, I feel even more like a Super Mom. You can read my previous blog posts to get an idea of my schedule. Some days I feel like my head is spinning. Yet I manage to keep it together. I make sure the kids have their bath every night. I make sure they get their homework done. I attend school conferences. I even manage to spend some quality time with them. I still scratch my head in amazement at myself at being able to keep up with every thing. It's hard having no help, but very rewarding realizing my own independence. I have a renewed confidence in myself.
Moms have so much more responsibility now than they ever did before. It's time to honor yourself and other Super Moms out there. It doesn't matter what you do, all Super Moms work, just in different ways.
I declare today Super Mom day! Remember to do something nice for yourself today.
If you feel like a Super Mom, feel free to leave a comment.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Writing for Bright Hub
Online learning is a very important topic to me. Going to school online is the only way I can right now due to other commitments. To be able to write about something I feel very passionate about is really great. I started in the middle of February and have written a total of 11 articles so far. I get to propose my own topics, which is great.
Bright Hub pays monthly. I haven't made it to payday yet, but don't foresee having a problem. I found out about Bright Hub through the forum. I cruise through the forum often and have picked up a lot of great tips. There was a change at Bright Hub recently and there has been some talk in the forums about these changes. Since I am new, however, I have not noticed the negative aspects.
I really love writing for Bright Hub. My editor is really great to work for. You can check out my articles here
Happy Monday!
How about you? Did you work this weekend? Are you happy with your progress?
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Freelancer's Friday
Well, I take that back. I have 2 children that are in school. Their schedule is a bit hectic during the week. I get up at 7 am and get them both ready. Chase is in first grade and has to be at school by 8:30. Since we live too close to the school for him to ride a bus, I have to drive him. I leave the house at 8:15 and am home by 8:25. Xander does not have to be at preschool until 9:30. He goes to a separate school because Chase's does not offer pre-k.
An hour is not enough time to thoroughly research and write an article. Or rather it's not enough time for me, yet. So I use that time to drink some coffee, eat breakfast, check my e-mail and plan my day. I leave the house at 9:20 and am home by 9:30. From 9:30 to about 12:20 I work. Meaning I research and write my assigned articles. At 12:20 I go pick Xander up and we come home. I fix his lunch (and mine) and by 1:00 pm he is playing comfortably in his room with Spongebob running in the background.
I work from 1:00 until 2:40. Then I get Xander ready and we go wait in the line to pick up Chase. After finally retrieving my oldest son, we make it home by about 3:15 and everyone gets a snack including me. By 3:30 both kids are playing in their room and I try to work until 5:00 assuming I have no interruptions.
At 5:00 I take a long break and start dinner. After dinner is homework time for both the kids and for me as I am an online student. The kids get their baths after homework and are usually in bed by 8:00. Depending on what I've gotten done that day dictates what I do from 8:00 pm until midnight. Most nights I am working. Some nights I am completing homework. Occasionally I am chilling on the couch with a cup of chamomile tea watching an episode on House from the DVR (love that thing).
So by Friday I am exhausted. I rejoice because most Fridays the kids go stay with their dad. This means that I have the entire weekend to work in peace. What? You expected me to go out with friends or go shopping? Nope, not this working mama. While I occasionally plan a nice dinner out, the weekends are my time to do my best work and complete any homework assignments.
So, once again, it's Friday and I'm happy, but not for the reasons the rest of the world is. Do you feel this way too? Let me know why you look forward to Fridays.